Enrollment Process

  1. Get to Know CDA
    1. Read An Introduction to Classical Education: A Guide for Parents by Christopher Perrin
    2. Attend Info Meeting (if available)
    3. Read our Tuition and Fees Policy
  2. Apply Online: Here
  3. Pay Application Fee: There will be an application fee for each student. This fee covers student testing and application paperwork.
  4. Submit Academic Records
    1. Request your child’s academic records for the prior two academic years (if applicable) and send to admissions@coramdeoidaho.org. Records should include report cards, standardized test results, attendance records, and any behavioral/disciplinary records. Homeschool families should submit a summary of coursework and any standardized test results.
  5. Schedule Student Assessments
    1. Once CDA receives your application and records, the admissions office will contact you to set up student assessments. Every new student is tested to determine his or her academic and behavioral preparation for collaborative learning. The testing process takes 30-40 minutes and helps our teachers assess in which grade the student will be most successful.
  6. Schedule a Family Interview
    1. This typically takes 45 minutes to an hour and is designed for just the parents. Children are welcome to attend if no childcare can be provided. Families participate in a parent interview with Coram Deo administrators to assess whether our school and prospective families are a good fit for one another. During the interview, parents and administrators will discuss the family’s ability to provide co-teaching for their students, the alignment of the family’s faith with the school’s statement of faith, classical Christian education, and the family’s application documents.
  7. Notification of Admittance
    1. Families will be notified of their student enrollment acceptance/rejection via email within 10 business days after taking the assessment. Accepted students will then receive a packet with further information about fall enrollment.