Coram Deo Academy

A Classical Christian Collaborative

Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tua da gloriam

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us; but to your name be the glory


Modern education seeks to train for a job or a career. Classical education seeks to train students about what is true, what is good, and what is beautiful to prepare them to fulfill their purpose as humans made in God’s image. To do this, classical education spends a lot of time looking at past works of literature, history and philosophy so that students can understand who they are and what they ought to be in the present day. Classical education seeks to prepare students to be excellent learners, rigorous thinkers, and effective doers.


More than just creating smart students, we desire to help parents train their children to love God and think Biblically. This starts with our teachers who not only teach our students about the Bible but also strive to model Biblical thinking, to nurture and discipline students according to the truth in the Bible, and to bring all discussions back to the one true source of knowledge: God’s revelation through the written Word and through the person of Jesus Christ. Though we cannot guarantee that all our students will be Christians, we work so that the truth of Christianity is woven attractively into all we say and do.

Parents are deeply connected to everything that happens on the Coram Deo Campus. Under the leadership of the classroom teacher, the parent acts as a co-teacher in grades K-3 and gradually transitions to the role of mentor as the student becomes increasingly independent in grades 4-12. We equip and enable parents to provide quality instruction on home days. Parents are expected without exception to take part in training sessions offered once a quarter in order to become familiar with the curriculum and basic teaching techniques.

Classroom teachers teach the key objectives in class and assign reinforcement or application activities to be completed at home. Weekly lesson plans for both the Coram Deo classroom and the home classroom are available by Friday of the previous week. The co-teacher (parent) or student is expected to print off plans for the week and to prepare for the assignments in advance.



  • We expect that families will spend home days completing schoolwork at home. As students progress into harder subjects, they will spend more time on their homework. The benefit of parent-led learning is freedom to progress at the student’s individual pace. Time will vary greatly for each student depending on their personality. Our aim is for students to spend on average three hours a day for grades K-2, four hours a day for 3-6, five hours for 7-9, and six hours a day for 10-12. This amount assumes a parent will be working with multiple children at the same time, and that students will be working more independently as they mature. 

  • All teachers are required by contract to be available during home days. Teachers will check email at regular intervals during those days in order to respond to questions in a timely manner. We also want to emphasize parent and student responsibility for being prepared each week for their lessons.

  • To help with this, we have chosen curriculum that is user-friendly and contains adequate teaching resources. Additionally, classroom teachers are available for questions. One benefit of this model is that parents are given the gift of time to learn alongside their child. Often, the best learning comes when we have to work for it.

  • Teaching multiple levels of students is never easy but Coram Deo makes our curriculum doable for any committed parent. Teachers strive to mitigate the work by giving clear instructions for both parents and students. We also emphasize and teach time management and responsibility from a young age.

  • Coram Deo Academy is unique because it allows parents to be more heavily involved in their child’s education. We follow a hybrid approach where students are in class on certain days and at home on others.

  • Consider the following questions as parents:

    • Will our family benefit from having another person organize the curriculum for our children’s instruction?

    • Can we provide an environment conducive to learning within our home?

    • Are our family dynamics such that our children will respond to us as their teachers?

    • Are our family dynamics such that we can commit to the workload required at home?

    • Is this the best educational model for us?

    Pray about it.

  • We are in negotiations with a church in Post Falls, ID.  We hope to finalize that this week so we can announce the official location and days we will meet.  We understand this is very important to some for decision making (as it is to us as well!) so we are making every effort to finalize this quickly. 

Contact Us

If you have questions or just want to talk about what this learning structure would look like for your family, please contact us at (208) 274-3515, or fill out the form below and we would be happy to meet with you!